There’s no better time of year for science than in the fall. From the changing leaves to shorter days to spooky Halloween science, you’re only limited by your imagination. While not everyone celebrates Halloween, we use the holiday and its traditions to create a memorable lesson about polymers.
A Styrofoam® cup (polystyrene) and some acetone (adult supervision required) create a very cool activity the kids will absolutely love. In honor of Halloween, we call this science lesson Wanda the Melting Witch. (If you don’t like witches, call it what it is, a “melting” cup. The science is the same.)
What is the science behind this? Styrofoam® is a polymer, a long chain of molecules linked together. Plastic bottles, latex paint, and chewing gum are other examples of polymers. See the dramatic results in our fun video as the Styrofoam® transforms in front of your eyes .
Want more ways to learn about polymers? Read the Quirkles® Zany Science Zeke story and do the activities. Create “Zop” and Zany Science Zeke’s Bouncing Ball, a sticky material similar to the well known Silly Putty®.