Rainbow Snake Bubbles


To take a new, creative approach to blowing bubbles and to learn about surface tension


  • Water Bottle (16 ounce or larger)
  • White sock
  • Rubber band
  • Bubble mixture (store bought or dishwashing soap, water, and glycerin)
  • Shallow dish
  • Food coloring (optional)


Cut about an inch off the bottom of the water bottle. Starting from the bottom of the water bottle, slide the sock up to the drinking hole. Secure sock around the cut end of the bottle with the rubber band. Pour bubble mixture into a dish. Dip the sock covered bubble blower into the solution and gently blow out. To add some color to the bubbles, drop food coloring onto the sock covered end and continue to blow. You might want to try this outside!


Very long bubbles will form. Bubbles form because of the surface tension of water. Hydrogen atoms in one water molecule are attracted to oxygen atoms in other water molecules.They like each other so much, they cling together. Normal bubbles enclose the maximum volume of air with the minimum amount of bubble solution, so they are always round. The surface tension of water, alone, is too strong to make good bubbles. Adding soap reduces the surface tension. It also adds oily film that slows down the evaporation process, so you get longer-lasting bubbles!

Warning: Be sure and remind young children to blow out and not suck in the bubble mixture.